Sports Club

WIHS Basketball Club provides elite training and coaching for all individual players. WHIS’s training offers specialized skill development in all areas of the game by experienced trainers and coaches. In addition, the program puts an emphasis on the discipline of having a healthy body, mind and spirit. WIHS’s Basketball Training Program consists of intense physical training combined with high level instruction. The players can join any competitions with W.E.C.S.S.A.A. The Windsor Essex County Secondary School Athletic Association is a collection of educational institutions from diverse communities, backgrounds and religions, which administers athletic competitions amongst its members. It will be the policy of W.E.C.S.S.A.A. to encourage communication and harmony between its members and to use athletics as a medium to promote fitness, enjoyment and education. The educational focus of the interschool extracurricular sports program recognizes that teachers/coaches are an integral part of the program in order to fulfill this goal.

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