


Late Assignment:
It is the expectation of all students enrolled in Windsor Islamic High School that all assignments shall be submitted by the designated due date, at the start of class. Assignments are designed to show mastery of the curriculum expectations and, as such, are crucial to the assessment of the students’ achievement. Teachers will strictly enforce this policy and their establishment of a due date is final. Should students not submit an assignment by the due date, the following will apply: the assignment may be submitted, but must be accompanied by a clearly written reason for the assignment being late. The assignment must be submitted before any of the assignments have been returned to the class by the teacher. If these conditions are met, the assignment will be accepted at face value and a late penalty may be assigned. Should students not fulfill the conditions; a mark of zero will be given since there is no evidence of achievement with respect to the curriculum expectations evaluated on that assignment. Note that the assignment may be returned at any time, since some assignments must be returned next day as a part of the lesson/learning activity. If a student is working with a partner or group, the teacher will assess the other members on their own merits. It is acknowledged that “Teachers will use a variety of strategies to ensure that students submit their assignments for evaluation and meet timelines”. Late assignments “will also be noted on the report card… as part of … learning skills and work habits”, Growing Success, 2010, p.44.

Should any person in WIHS be a victim of harassment, the following should occur:

Both parties have a right to a fair and impartial investigation. The primary intention of the procedure is to stop harassment, as soon as, after an incident occurs.


Example of Harassment include but not limited to:

Physical: hitting, shoving, stealing or damaging property.

Verbal: name calling, mocking, or making sexist, racist or homophobic comments.

Social: excluding others from a group or spreading gossip or rumours about them.

Electronic (commonly known as cyberbullying): spreading rumours and hurtful comments through the use of cell phone, email, text messaging and social networking sites can take

These Includes:
Students have access to computers. All computers have access to up-to-date internet devices. The use of school computers is limited to research and educational matters only.

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week:

Ontario has designed the week beginning on the third Sunday of November as “Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week” to help promote safe schools and a positive learning environment.

Provisions for Students with Special Needs :

Windsor Islamic High School does not have a formal special education program. However, it recognizes that some students may have special needs and will accommodate those students accordingly. Where a student has a current psycho-educational assessment which describes individualities in learning styles, the principal with the student and his/her parents will develop a strategy aimed at allowing the student to achieve success. Our guidance program will be applied in a manner sensitive to the student’s individualities. Accommodations such as extra-time on tests and examinations will be provided where appropriate. Other accommodations may be granted in consultation with the student’s teachers. Accommodations for the OSSLT will follow guidelines.

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